AbilityOne Program
Focusworks, operated by Arizona Industries for the Blind, participates in the AbilityOne Program.
The AbilityOne Program provides employment opportunities for over 45,000 Americans who are blind or have other severe disabilities by orchestrating Government purchases of products and services provided by nonprofit agencies employing such individuals throughout the country.
Over 80 years later, this extraordinary program provides Federal customers with a wide array of quality products and services, while providing thousands of people with severe disabilities real jobs and increased independence. The AbilityOne Program is administered by United States AbilityOne Commission. Two Central Nonprofit Agencies, National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and Source America, help State and private nonprofit agencies participate in the AbilityOne Program.
AbilityOne work provides nonprofit agency employees with invaluable vocational opportunities not otherwise available, which result in additional income and increased independence.
Benefits of the AbilityOne Program to the Federal Government and to the taxpayer include:
- High quality supplies and services
- On-time delivery
- Reasonable prices
- Reduction of paperwork and pre/post award costs
- Central points of contact to solve problems/facilitate action
- Reduced disability payments and increased tax revenues
Support of this program through purchases of goods and services will continue to provide employment opportunities for people who are blind or have other disabilities. AbilityOne works, but only with your support.